Swaragini airs on colors, and is a story which revolves around the lives of two half sisters, Swara and Ragini. They abbreviate themselves as Swaragini. Swara hails from a Bengali family while Ragini belongs to a Marwari family. Swara is the elder one among the two. Ragini 's mom dies in her childhood. Ragini's father Shekar and Swara's mom Shomi are lovers in the past and Swara is Shekar's daughter. Swaragini join together and reunite their parents.
The story of how both the girls fall for the same guy and how Ragini wins her love back by pushing Swara.
Will the sisters be one power again?
Telecast : Mon - Fri 9:30 pm
First episode : Mar 2, 2015
Language : Hindi
Genre : Indian soap opera
Varun Kapoor | Helly Shah | Tejaswi Prakash Wayangankar | Namish Taneja