Mrs Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein is an Indian television series that airs on Zee TV. The show premiered on June 20, 2011. Originally airing from Monday to Thursday, the programme airs Monday to Friday as of 3 October 2011.
The story revolves around an upper middle-class Rajasthani joint family called Kaushiks living in Jaipur. The family members are Mr. Satyadev and Mrs. Bindeshwari Kaushik, their five sons, Utkarsh, Bittu, Shivendu, Aditya and Karthik, their five daughters-in-law Gehna, Nimmi, Simran (now Karantiya), Ria and Lovely, their four grandchildren, Gudiya, Lucky, Bubbly, Anu and also Mr. Kaushik's mother whom they call Ammasa. Mrs. Bindeshwari Kaushik is the family matriarch who has made strict rules and regulations in her house and all the family members follow them.
The story began with Mrs. Kaushik's search for an ideal daughter-in-law and wife for her youngest son, Karthik. According to her, an ideal daughter-in-law should be an amalgamation of the elements of nature(earth, air, water, fire and sky) akin to the virtues represented by her other four loving, honest and obedient daughters-in-law.
Telecast : Mon - Fri
First episode : June 20, 2011
Language : Hindi
Genre : Indian soap opera
Gunn Kansara | Swati Bajpai | Rubbina Shergill | Deeya Chopra | Ragini Nandwani